Website Development

All The Sites We Build Are Mobile Friendly
Around Kitchener Waterloo Hosting knows that each website design project is a unique one, we have built over 700 websites, and each one has achieved amazing search engine placement, first page of google for what they do. We have the web development experience that counts when it comes to building your website, we know you work hard for your money and we achieve results that count.
Around Kitchener Waterloo develops effective, mobile friendly, sophisticated websites, we cater to both small and large businesses.
Large Businesses can benefit from Around Kitchener Waterloo’s years of experience building business relationships with our clients and other vendors in the community. Our extensive knowledge of website trends, do’s and don’ts has been cultivated through the hundreds of websites we have built… in the many years we have been in business.
We love small businesses and startups, they usually just need a website to let their customers know they are out there and alleviate the phone calls for questions that can easily be answered in a few pages on a website.
For our small business clients we offer website packages starting as low as $825.00 (please add HST) for a live 2 page website, hosted for 1 year with a custom domain name registered in your companies name for one year.
Custom Website Development
We can customize your website needs, eCommerce, business directories, music stores, wedding websites, from a one page website to a 100 page website, Around Kitchener Waterloo can create the perfect site for you. Our prices start at $50.00 an hour and go up from there depending on what type of development you need done.
Website Editing and Maintenance
Around Kitchener Waterloo not only creates site we also do ongoing maintenance at a per 5 minute charge as most edits sent to us take between 5 and 10 minutes to do, you send us an email with the edits you need, we track all work done on an Excel time sheet and once your edits reach between $80.00 and $100.00 we send you a detailed invoice of all work done.
We charge $35.00 an hour for website editing and this is divided by 12 units so we can bill in 5 minute increments, we only bill the time it takes to do edits, most other companies bill a minimum half an hour or hour to open your site.
NOTE – Pages can be added to the website as needed on a cost per page basis, this does not fall into the maintenance fee schedule of 35.00 an hour, this is the 50.00 an hour fee schedule.
Search Engine
Around Kitchener Waterloo develops all its sites with search engine placement in mind, during the development process we make sure to utilize key words that are specific to your business so once the site is done, we can easily go back and setup all your meta information, we also add your robots.txt file and your sitemap.xml in certain cases we will add you to our webmaster tools and monitor your site for issues.

The Website Process
MEETINGS – if you are having a large intricate website build we may have more than one meeting, they will be as required… but the majority of correspondence will be through email with one point person from your company sending content and edits.
If you are having a small uncomplicated website built, we will have our initial meeting, then all correspondence is through email all additional meetings will be billed on top of the quote on an hourly basis. Special circumstances may apply.
CONTENT – All website content including images are to be send via email in electronic text format, acceptable image formats are .jpg, .png, .gif, .tiff, .psd, .bmp, .ai
LOOK – We will work with you on the look of your site, giving you the most options possible, using the latest design trends, thus giving you a website that packs a punch and is visible globally.
Once the site is finished we will work with you on the signed off site and edit the existing content for an additional month to get the site exactly how you like it, we understand sometimes something looks good then you look at it a few more times and it may require tweaking.
NOTE – After the month is over web site maintenance fees will kick in for any additional changes. This means if you have edits to be done to your site on a monthly, daily or weekly basis there is either an hourly charge divided into 5 minute increments or you can sign up for one of our maintenance contracts.
AKW Sites
Website Packages
The below website packages do not include multimedia work (flash), PHP, MySQL database programming.
PACKAGE PRICING IS ONLY VALID WITH HOSTING. If you do not need hosting the pricing is done according to what you need.
The Starter Website Package
$825.00 Canadian plus GST.
The Starter Website includes:
- A two page website, your main page and your contact page (5 images per page)
- 1 year of website hosting
- 1 domain name registered for one year (
- Website interface design
- 15 email addresses
- catch all email
- Search engine optimization and submission
What is not included in this package:
Logo design, multimedia work (flash), PHP, MySQL database programming, image creation or manipulation.
If you don’t have images they can be purchased from the fee will be added to the bill.
Basic Website Package
$1235.00 Canadian plus GST
The Full Web Site includes:
- 4 individual web pages, 5 images per page or a form
- Site Design, up to 2 different interfaces to choose from working from there to a finished design you are happy with.
- 1 domain name registered for a year (
- 1 year of web site hosting
- 15 email addresses (yo*@yo*****.com)
- catch all email
- Updates and maintenance for 3 months free
- Search engine optimization and submission
What is not included in this package:
Logo design, multimedia work (flash), PHP, MySQL database programming, image creation or manipulation.
If you don’t have images they can be purchased from the fee will be added to the bill.
Make Sure You’re Mobile
Can Boost Sales By Up To 50%
Google's Mobile Update
Google “M Day” arrived on April 21, 2016 , Google launched an update to their mobile search results, now your mobile search includes mobile friendly sites first.
Extensive Demographic Studies
-1,525% boost in mobile data usage between 2010 and 2015 (according to Mediative)
-87% of the Earth’s population use mobile devices.
-Over 2 billion mobile users will engage in a mobile transaction by 2017 (Juniper Research)
We Build Mobile Friendly Sites
Around Kitchener Waterloo builds stunning, effective, mobile friendly sites, to help you get to the top of the google mobile search.